Monday, December 13, 2010

Project #6 Part 1

Composition: For this project i wanted the composition of the pieces to feel a little bit more candid. I mean the people would be somewhat posed but i did not want to change there back drop. This made it so that it became more personal.
Concept: My images are about peoples emotions and how they might be masked by a smile. We can often tell what people are feeling by there complete facial expression. At the same time someone can be smiling on the outside but their eyes may tell a different story. So having everyone cover up there mouth with the smiley mug it forces people to look to their eyes to find the emotion they might be feeling.
Method: In a previous project i took a picture of my sister holding this same mug. So this was the starting off point for this project. One thing that changed was the backgrounds. My sister was in front of a set background where in these images they are in their natural setting.
Motivations: I want people to be able to figure out what a person might be feeling based off the expression we might get from their eyes. I also want people to feel happy when they look at these images.
Context: I don't know that my images have a context. I mean i have people of many different cultures in my images. My images relate to how people behave in society. They may seem happy on the inside but they might be screaming on the inside.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Final Project Pics part 3

Blog #25

Write a detailed description of your “motivations” for your final self-proposed project. Why are you interested in this subject? What do you want to convey? How do you want viewers to respond? Why are you inspired to make these images/this project? Do you want to evoke emotions in viewers? Shock viewers? Make them laugh? Make them think? Inform them? Reveal something about how you see the world? Reveal something about yourself, a person, a place, a feeling, a memory, a moment in time? 

My motivations is to try and capture peoples emotions through there eyes. I am interested in it because i find it interesting that even though you cover up a persons mouth you still can possibly tell what they are feeling just by looking at there eyes.   I want it to be some what comical as well as serious because peoples emotions is what i want to mainly look at. I was inspired to do these from a previous project in the class. I want the viewers to be able to feel some of the emotion that the people in the images are feeling. I also want them to laugh because i find it funny since they are holding a smiley face. I want people to understand that sometimes peoples facial expression might not always convey what they are feeling.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Project #5 Part 2

Image 1: (Constructed Identity 1)
Interpretation: People that represent people are composed in the mask. Hiding behind friends and family. eyes are the windows into soul everything else is representational.
Evaluation: maybe have different parts included in the composition. Thought that it was interesting but maybe could have been done differently but they due not know how.
Extension: Maybe creating masks for multiple people.

Image 2: (Constructed Identity 2)
Interpretation: Looks like multiple expressions of a person. Shows the many facial expressions people can make.
Evaluation: They thought that it could have been printed off bigger and the contrast could have been increased more.
Extension: It would be interesting to do a series of these pictures for different individuals.

Image 3: (Narrative)
Interpretation: They had a hard time figuring out what it was representing. They mainly saw the light in the center. Kind of thought it was a moon waxing and waning.
Evaluation: They thought that it would have been better if i incorporated the light more into the actual photo.
Extension: Doing multiple narratives using silhouettes.

Image 4: (Miniature)
Interpretation: They were not sure what it was at first. They could tell that it was a orange mouth withing my mouth but they did no understand how it was a miniature.
Evaluation: They thought that it would have been better if the orange was in a setting that made it look larger.
Extension: Creating many things out of orange.

Final Project Pics