Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog #25

Write a detailed description of your “motivations” for your final self-proposed project. Why are you interested in this subject? What do you want to convey? How do you want viewers to respond? Why are you inspired to make these images/this project? Do you want to evoke emotions in viewers? Shock viewers? Make them laugh? Make them think? Inform them? Reveal something about how you see the world? Reveal something about yourself, a person, a place, a feeling, a memory, a moment in time? 

My motivations is to try and capture peoples emotions through there eyes. I am interested in it because i find it interesting that even though you cover up a persons mouth you still can possibly tell what they are feeling just by looking at there eyes.   I want it to be some what comical as well as serious because peoples emotions is what i want to mainly look at. I was inspired to do these from a previous project in the class. I want the viewers to be able to feel some of the emotion that the people in the images are feeling. I also want them to laugh because i find it funny since they are holding a smiley face. I want people to understand that sometimes peoples facial expression might not always convey what they are feeling.

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