Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog #4

        “If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera.” ~Lewis Hine

Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why? Describe situations when photographic images reveal “the story” (as compared to words). Describe situations when words reveal “the story” (as compared to images).
           I do and don't agree with this quote. I feel that there are some things that are better captured in words where as others are better captured in an image. There are some things that can be written that cannot be captured in an image because there might not be a way to depict those words. Images after a catastrophy would give more information that words might. When you would read something about the catastrophy you might get an idea of what happened but until you see the actual photo you would not understand. Say there is a portrait of a person that is feeling certain way at the time the picture would have been taken. You can figure out some of what they are feeling by their expression but you might not be able to understand it all in a photograph whereas words written down can tell you exactly how that person might have been feeling.

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