Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Project #2 Part 2

Picture of my sister with the mug:
Interpretation: People thought that it was kind of the caught in the act photo. At the same time they  did not think it was intentional. Some people felt though it has a querky feel to it. With this piece i was trying to capture her personality and i tried to capture that and i think that people get somewhat a sense of her personality from this picture.
Evaluation: Lighter background would work better. Also if the contrast was increased that would help the background out. Maybe using a back light instead or in addition to the lights that were used.
Extension: Maybe capturing people you would not expect to see with a smiley mug holding the mug.

Film Still:
Interpretation: Dance Studio feel. The position of her sitting on the window ledge as well as her hair and legs makes it seem like she is a dancer. This might be an accurate interpretation of the film still but i do not know what movie the film still came from so i am not sure.
Evaluation: Good Contrast.  good lights and darks. window has good exposure. part of window blown out add just the right amount. background is good as well especially with the walls angling in on the subject.
Extension: Lines and people. Silhouttes. exposure pieces. Maybe day dreaming pictures since she is looking out the window. maybe working more with the movie aspect.

Film Still Close Up:
Interpretation: Good next to the previous piece but kind of hard to interpret by itself. Get more of an understanding from it when it is next to the piece that is a view farther out.
Evaluation: Like i said in the interpretation, people thought this piece was not as successful by itself. The details in the background or lack of details kind of takes away from the piece.
Extension: This piece could go along with the following piece as far as ideas that could be done.

Flowers attacking sister:
Interpretation: Looks like she is being attacked. Interesting that the background and flowers are similar. Blurred. Good illusion. Blending into the background makes her head seem a little distorted. Somewhat of a hippie vibe.
Evaluation: Could increase contrast a little bit more in the piece. Other than that seems to be balanced somewhat in composition. The textures that the background and flowers create is very intriguing.
Extension: This could be a jumping off point for people being attacked by things you might not expect like fake flowers. Maybe even creating distorted heads would be another.

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