Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Assignment #4 Part 1

Advertisement:(Alcohol bottles)
Composition: I wanted to capture the alcohol bottles as they were. Many college students display their alcohol bottles where they live. Often they will be placed some where in the kitchen. i wanted to keep everything as natural as possible. Although i tried to get a better angle but it was hard since all of it was above me.
Concept: I think my image is about the brand smirinoff and there many flavors. Most alcohol advertisements normally only have one bottled displayed and i wanted to expand on that and not only have more then one bottle but also have the varieties of the object which in my case is alcohol.
Method: I wanted to actually recreate an advertisement that i saw of a specific brand of alcohol in a magazine but they do so much editing to there images and i did not want that. So when i went to my friends apartment and saw her collection i decided that i would take that picture instead.
Motivations: I like to be different in creating advertisements. I captured what i wanted for the most part. i would have liked to set them up better but that was not possible in the enviroment that i was in.
Context: My work would be considered social. It is all about getting people to buy your product so its appeal needs to be to the general public.

Composition: I wanted to try and to passport photos like they do at the post office and things like that. So i made sure i had a blank background. I also made sure that i only captured the very top portion of his body. I used a flash. i could not remember whether or not they used a flash when i got my passport photos done but i think they did.
Concept: I wanted to do the typical passport photos. I wanted to show how like drivers license they dont always turn out how people would like them to but instead they are done in a way that is better by government standards.
Method: When trying to decide which prompts i wanted to do i decided my friends nate would be perfect for this prompt so i decided to use him and it turned out to be ture.
Motivations: My goal was to try and get it to look like a passport picture as best that i could.
Context: i would say that this is some what about political or like the government. i guess it could also be anthropological but i am not sure. I mean the purpose of the passport is so that other people can make sure that you are not trying to pose as someone else in order to get into a country or even out.

Composition: In this image i wanted to be able to have my friend erin who has never had senior pictures done have the opportunity. I wanted to let her be free to where what she wanted as well as to poses she would like to do. I even went as far to let her choose where she wanted to do them. Most senior pictures are posed by other people and not the person in the picture. Whereas in my image she choice the pose she wanted.
Concept: My image is about senior pictures and about how they are so important but at the same time really ridiculous. In this country it is something that is some what of a tradition but as years go on people are doing things that are more ridiculous in there images. As well as wearing clothing that they normally would not wear.
Method: I had already knew that my friend had never had senior pictures so when i saw it as one of the prompts i thought i would go ahead and ask her if she wanted to do them. The enviroment was hers as well as the clothing. She chose everything that she wanted to.
Motivations: My goal was to try to do the typical senior pictures that everyone normally do but i wanted it to be a little more free and allow her to choose things.
Context: This is cultural thing. Not all cultures to this but because graduating from high school is important in our society it is usually captured by senior pictures.

TV Still: (Three's Company)
Composition: For this one we were trying to recreate the exact pose that was captured from the TV show Three's Company. We wanted ours to be on a couch as well. I knew that my image would not exactly the same but thats because the clothing and the enviroment has changed since the 1970s.
Concept: When i was trying to think of TV Stills or Movie Stills i was having difficulty trying to decide what images i wanted to do. It was not until my friend says why do you not do one that has three people since there were three of us. So i searched shows and finally came up with threes company.
Method: we were looking at the picture on the computer and trying to get the pose that they had very close. It took us a couple times because of trying to make sure that we were all in the frame. I used a flash for these images. I ended up putting the final image into a TV screen so it relates more to the show. or the fact that it is a TV show.
Motivations: My goal was to try and capture us like the image we were looking at but it was taken a step farther by adding the TV frame.
Context: This is cultural. This was a show during the 70s and 80s that many people still know today. Artists often try to bring back ideas or themes from the past.

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