Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Assignment #4 Part 2

Interpretation: When people looked at this image they got that it was an advertisement but at the same time they just thought it was a snap shot of a college students apartment.
Evaluation: Might work better if there was a small border of white around the image itself. They said that i should increase the contrast a little bit more to make it clearer. Maybe take photos of the bottles in front of a white poster board so that it could be set up better so that it might look more professional. If i am going to leave it how it is they said that i should maybe add text that might relate it to college more.
Extension: I could go to many of my friends apartments and take snap shots of their alcohol collections. Compare them and post them as college life.

Interpretation: People knew that it was a passport image as soon as they looked at it. At the same time they thought it could be a mug shot because he is not smiling.
Evaluation: They like that i printed it off  in the size that a passport image would normally be printed off in. Someone said that it would be better in color but understands that it cannot be since this is a black and white photography class.
Extension: It would be interesting to see a bunch of passport images from many different people next to each other. Also we were talking about how different countries require different things and it would be interesting to find this qulification out in order to create passport images from many different countries.

Interpretation: People got that it is a senior picture because her name was in the bottom right corner of the image as well as her being posed in a way that is typical of senior pictures.
Evaluation: Her pose seems to be a little bit more natural then most seniors pictures. Also her choice of clothing is not something that is typical of senior photos. People like her name in the bottom right.
Extension: Maybe taking senior pictures that are not typical  like so many of them are.

TV Still:
Interpretation: people got that it was a TV show based on the fact that the image was inside a TV Frame. Although they might not know what show at first.
Evaluation: Works better with the TV frame then without. Straighter positioning of the TV or maybe having more of the stuff around the TV in the frame since it all relates to the 80s since the TV is that old.
Extension: It would be fun to recreate many different TV shows and put them in TVs from the time period that the show is from so that it could better depict the show.

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